Cherry Blossoms in Virginia…

Here are some pics I took of a Cherry Blossom tree in front of my apartment complex.  Enjoy!

And if you would like to see the pic I used for the cover of my new Book that was just released, CLICK HERE!

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246 thoughts on “Cherry Blossoms in Virginia…

    • Thank you so much. The actual Cherry blossom festival in Washington, DC was this weekend that just passed. I didn’t get a chance to get up there because of my disabilities, but this tree was the next best thing. As soon as the Cherry blossom tree blooms, it starts wilting slowly, but before you know it, the beautiful petals are scattered throughout the ground. I wish it lasted a lot longer.

  1. these are such a beautiful site for the springtime around DC. funny to think FDR put the order out to have them cut down in the middle of the night, despite all the public protest. and today, they’re a big draw for tourists.

    • You may be right. As I said above, this is a tree in front of my apartment complex…Lol. Not at the Cherry blossom festival in DC. But they look like Cherry Blossoms to me! 🙂 Can they be the Magnolia Blossoms as wstedeford suggests?

      • Yes, I think it might be a tulip magnolia. Some people call them sugar magnolias. This only adds to the confusion, right? look for cherry blossoms in google images & you’ll see the difference in the petals.

      • Ah! The solution to the mystery…I am not an English native speaker and got pretty confused…we got a Magnolia ourselves in the garden…
        Now I know them all: tulip magnolia, cherry blossom tree or sakura tree – you made me look them all up and I’m loving it! Wish I had a garden with more space for many of these beauties…
        Thank you for sharing images – and names 🙂

    • Thank you so much. It was so cloudy that day and started to rain. I was worried how the pics would come across to other people but decided to post them anyway. I am so happy I did!

      • Magnolia blossoms are much bigger. Typically a magnolia petal and overall blossom height is ~2-3″ whereas a cherry is 1/4″ – 3/4″. Also, Magnolias look meatier/fleshier – think of the difference between a rose petal (more like cherry blossom) and a succulent (more like magnolia). The magnolia holds more water and air in it’s petal than a cherry blossom does. Cherry blossom petals are very thin and airy. Also, if you observe the magnolia, the branches are thin and you have a few large blossoms to a branch vs. the cherry which will likely have twice as many if you’re just looking at shear density. The magnolia always appears more stately and grand and the cherry blossom more delicate and like someone painted dots on the tree. Make sense?

    • Thank you soooo much! I wish it was sunny out that day. I just went out a few minutes ago, but the tree was pretty much wilted. Still thinking about taking pictures of what is left though because it is nice outside 🙂

    • Wow! Ireland! I am soooo dying to go there… I joined this site Christian house sitters and they have houses there that need sitting…Lol. So maybe I will make it up there next year for our anniversary!

    • So I’ve heard…LOL. I wish someone would tell me how to tell the difference. 😦 But thank you so much for the compliment! I’m still learning how to use my camera. If you have any advice, I’m all ears. I see you have a camera in your pic…Lol.

  2. Beautiful shots. I’m from VA living in Northern Ireland. I can practically feel the smooth blossoms from looking at your shots. Thanks for sharing!

      • That’s wonderful! 🙂 Sigh – one can only hope 😉

        PS I’ve been reading a little bit elsewhere and thanks for exactly that – being open about your faith!

  3. Venus, thank you for sharing these beautiful photos! I have never made it to Virginia or DC to see the blossoms, but have always wanted to. Nature does speak deep truths about the love and gift of the Divine. Thank you for sharing this gift! Blessings on your journey, Erin, Bella Bleue

  4. These photos are so, so terrific! I kept thinking as I scrolled down the page, “Oh, this is my favorite!” But then the next one made me think, “No, this is my favorite!” Just can’t choose one. I love cherry blossoms; I love Virginia; I love the Appalachian Mountains! Thank you for sharing, and congratulations of being “Freshly Pressed.”

    • Thank you so much! I’m glad you got a chance to visit my home page. I will be posting a lot more photos this week. I’ve been in Florida so I haven’t posted anything in about three weeks. This was the first thing I posted since I’ve been back.

    • I know. I’m glad i decided to take pictures despite the weather being horrible that day because the next day the tree was already falling apart and today there were only a few petals left on the branches. 😦

  5. I used to live in DC, and remember the “snow” that was these blossoms coming down every year. So wonderful to see them again now that I’m in Florida, miles away from any such beauty.

  6. I used to live near the Tidal Basin in DC and would always ride my bike down Rock Creek Park to take photographs when the cherry blossoms were in bloom. I miss them so much!

    Thanks for sharing your great photos.

  7. These are beautiful shots. I’ve never seen a cherry blossom myself, but seeing these makes me feel like I can say I saw them in person. You have a great eye.

    • The cherry blossom festival was this passed weekend, the same time I took these photos. I guess that’s why I thought this tree was a cherry blossom…because it bloomed at the exact same time. But thanks 🙂

  8. We have a magnolia tree on our front lawn, here in the suburbs of London (UK!). They aren’t quite out yet though, just big fat ripe buds holding it all in there, we hope, until the last frosts are passed (or they sadly go an icky brown colour)!

    You are a very talented photographer and I really enjoyed these beautiful pictures – a delightful reminder of what is just around the corner…I can’t wait!

    • Awwww, thank you! Believe it or not, it is just one little tree in front of my building. Considering the surroundings, it really stands out. I will post a pic later of the entire pic and the surroundings.

    • Unfortunately, being a disabled veteran slows me down every now and then, well, more than normal…Lol, and I didn’t get a chance to go down to take more pics, but my hubby says there are some right around the corner…I’m afraid to even take pictures of them, Lord knows what people would say if they are NOT Cherry Blossoms…LOLOL, but I think I may take that chance if the wind didn’t blow them all away. Maybe tomorrow I will get out there if I feel better. I’ll title it: You be the judge! 🙂

  9. “The heavens declare the glory of God”–and so does the earth!

    Thank you for sharing such beautiful blossoms!

  10. Reblogged this on East Coast Class and commented:
    Cherry Blossoms are one of my favorite things about living in Northern Virginia. I love being able to go into DC every year to witness the Cherry Blossoms in bloom around the Tidal Basin. It’s absolutely beautiful, just like these photos.

  11. Nice pictures! Here in Japan it’s still cold, so the cherry blossoms (sakura) are just starting to bloom, and full bloom should be in by early-mid April.

    Check my blog to see a picture I took from 2010’s cherry blossom season!

  12. Very beautiful photos. God is in the details.

    By Gerard Manley Hopkins

    NOTHING is so beautiful as spring—
    When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush;
    Thrush’s eggs look little low heavens, and thrush
    Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring
    The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing; 5
    The glassy peartree leaves and blooms, they brush
    The descending blue; that blue is all in a rush
    With richness; the racing lambs too have fair their fling.

    What is all this juice and all this joy?
    A strain of the earth’s sweet being in the beginning 10
    In Eden garden.—Have, get, before it cloy,
    Before it cloud, Christ, lord, and sour with sinning,
    Innocent mind and Mayday in girl and boy,
    Most, O maid’s child, thy choice and worthy the winning.


    Pied Beauty
    By Gerard Manley Hopkins

    Glory be to God for dappled things–
    For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow;
    For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;
    Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches’ wings;
    Landscape plotted and pieced–fold, fallow, and plough;
    And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim.

    All things counter, original, spare, strange;
    Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
    With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim;
    He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change:
    Praise Him.

  13. wonderful photos.. i remembered when i was in tokyo and one of the most memorable part of that travel was seeing rows of cherryblossoms all in bloom.. that’s a sight to behold..

    your photos are lovely. congrats on being FP.

  14. I’ve been in VA & DC several times but I never really got the chance to see the beauty of Cherry Blossoms at it’s fullest. You have taken great photos of it!

  15. beautiful pics but they’re magnolias, definitely not cherry blossoms! Cherries are tiny and magnolias are huge. Why don’t you change the title of your post and then you won’t get purists like me annoying you 😉

    • Ahhh like christinesensei mentioned, upon further inspection, they are magnolias – colored like cherry blossoms! Still beautiful nonetheless 🙂

  16. I used to live in VA and my father always used to take us to DC for the cherry blossom festival. Now living in Pakistan, these pictures are SO nostalgic. and wonderful photography….there’s oh so much beauty right outside your window : )

  17. Always been a huge fan of Cherry Blossoms and your photos here are some of the nicest of them I’ve seen.
    Thanks so much for sharing, these are really beautiful shots.

  18. hey saw this site this morning has taken me most of day to post a comment, new to blogging, haven’t got a profile yet sorry, but had to add that it’s a magnolia tree as i have always loved these and have two in my garden, not this magnificent thou, beautiful photo’s was captured by the worded title as well as the imagery, cherry blossoms are japanese and much smaller, I’m in New Zealand, all the best xo

  19. wow what fantastic pictures , my best is from Virginia and I have never really visited , but these pictures are beautiful . Guess I should plan a trip with her sometime 🙂

    Great pictures !

  20. Great Photographs !

    I think your are lucky and blessed that you have got such beautiful surroundings. Here in India, we have these flowers only in Kashmir state and I have not visited the place as yet. The flowerbeds created under the tree are also soothing, but you have not included them here. Better next time.
    I do not have words to describe your photographs. Just beautiful.

    Best wishes.

  21. Don’t go expecting fruit to bud on these trees? You’ve taken pictures of magnolia soulangeana blossoms.

    It’s never too late to learn horticulture.

  22. Great photography! I am from the Washington, DC area and miss the cherry blossoms so bad! Phx has beauty too, but I still miss the beltway area!

  23. As others have pointed out, those are magnolias, not cherry blossoms. They are nothing alike–magnolias are exponentially bigger, longer-lasting and differently shaped. I recommend a visit to the Jefferson Memorial, where you can see real cherry trees in bloom–a 100-year-old gift from the mayor of Tokyo to the city of Washington. Sakura (the Japanese word for the trees and their blossoms) only last two weeks; the delicate pink petals fall in the slightest breeze. To the Japanese, they symbolize the fragility of life, particularly that of soldiers in battle–in stark contrast to the hardy magnolia.

    • It’s funny because the bloom of this specific “Magnolia tree” lasted approximately 18 hrs. There are only two petals left. Thanks for the recommendation to see the Jefferson Memorial. We are planning to do so shortly.

    • The tree I took a picture off wilted in 18 hours and from what I understand, the cherry blossoms in DC are still in bloom, but not for long. So, if, in fact these are Magnolias, then they are not longer-lasting than cherry blossoms. Unless every body’s wrong and I’ve found some sort of cross breed…Lol.

  24. These are gorgeous! There is such beauty in nature. I would rather create an amazing garden then spend money on having chemicals pumped in my face. There is far more wonder in aiding in the creation of beauty than paying for false beauty.
    We have trees over here in OZ that are flowering at the moment and they are so gorgeous, if you go to Google images and enter, “tibouchina granulosa purple glory tree” the purple is just amazing, photos can’t convey it! One that is even more amazing is the “illawarra flame tree” Google that and you will understand their name! Congrats on FP!

  25. I love cherry blossoms eventhough I’ve never seen one in real life however your pictures brought delight to me. keep giving glory to God and am sure He’s pleased that you’re displaying His magnificent creation. 🙂

  26. Beautiful…I live in Virginia, and my husband had the day off so we took a ride and kept seeing their beauty everywhere. Usually when I ask him what kind of plant we are looking at he can tell me, but today he did not know. What a God wink that your blog post gave me the answer. Fantastic shots!

  27. Pingback: sigh « In My Garden (country edition)

  28. What a beautiful display of nature! I love the vivid colors you have captured in your photos. I have a blog “NealEnjoy” so i really love how your caption for the pictures invites everyone to “enjoy” all the wonders of God’s creation. I recently posted about the beautiful trees I love in the Savannah, Charleston and Statesboro areas. Please check this out and comment, telling me what you think. Thank you for sharing! Neal.

  29. I love living in the DC area exactly for this reason- we have such beautiful season! Beautiful pictures 😀

Please elaborate on what you see